Sunday, January 29, 2006

Why is he blogging? (part-4)

The day he joined T.I.M.E, he's sure that he's gonna have a horrible TIME. But it's too late. As soon as he's offered a discount, he grabbed it up like a wily fox, but that bound him and his TIME with T.I.M.E and in a mysterious place called ahmedabad where people speak a mysterious language called gujarati. All he could do to communicate was to use the "universal language" of signs and "utter occasional sylabbles which only he understands to be hindi". Before he think of thinking about any thing, in front of him were 30 vocab questions that had to be answered in 20 minutes. He started scribbling on the paper and to his astonishment he found so many words being those he used IN HIS BLOG.
He was ..... was..... was....
He forgot words to describe his happiness. His heart forgot to beat for a moment. He stared with a blank eye, that shined in the luminicence of the tubelight as the professor went on with his wont of explaining the origin and meanings of the words. But he's already found the root's of his answers. He's found some answer to the eternal question. He thanked T.I.M.E for helping him find some answer to his "nauscetic" question if not helping him find some way to get into IIM's.

Finally he got an answer....But is that all....He thinks so....As of now he thinks that's all....But soon he's gonna realise what he had found out was not more than just a speck among a ocean of anwers.... But when is that soon going to be???


Mohan Kodali said...

why dont u put down the answer or whatever u found here, so that we can have a glimpse!!

btw can u change ur comment section... so that by first click itself we can comment here???? its painful to do it twice(somewhat!! if net is slow)

and whats do u mean by "nauscetic" ???:D

Mohan Kodali said...

hey!! u gotta change ur comments section for sure

Abhay said...

cant wait so long bey, u have to finish a sequence in 3 steps max, cant make a trilogy into a "ten"ology and xpect ppl to sustain interest all the way ;) ...anyways, it's a nice build up to the climax, hope to see the climax in teh nxt post....

ps: ur comments r missin on my blogs :x

rohini said...

okie..finished reading part-3..will read 2 nd 1 respectively!!*wink*

nd y don u end it soon?..b4 ppl actually get vexed up waiting!

puneet varma said...

@abhay: This is a "tri-quadrap"lagy rey... just like 3 sesons in an year with 4 months each, three series's with 4 posts each [:P]

@ron: if ppl get vexed up waiting for long, later i will get vexed up with writing [:)]

Charan said...
